The Citation Network of Shiji

Remaking Early Poetic Tradition

The Citation Network of Shiji

Remaking Early Poetic Tradition

Currently I am working on my first book project, tentatively entitled Remaking Early Poetic Culture: Publication and Reception of Ancient-Style Poetry Anthologies in Late Imperial China. Through combining perspectives and analytical tools from the fields of digital humanities, literary criticism, print culture, and reception studies, this book explores the practices of compiling, publishing, and reading “ancient-style poetry anthology,” a genre of literary anthologies published and read widely in Ming-Qing China from the sixteenth century to the nineteenth century.

Jing Chen
Assistant Professor


This article examines how the making of pre-Tang poetry anthologies in sixteenth-century Ming China led to a reinvention of the …

近年來,明清時期“古詩”總集的編撰與出版逐漸得到學界注意。多數研究以出版業的興起爲時代背景,檢析一部或幾部重要選本的内容及其所體現的文學觀點。這些考證及研究則爲本文的分析提供了可能與基礎。本文嘗試另闢蹊徑,以副文本(paratext) 的閲讀爲中心,兼及文本,從宏觀層面 …