Literary Anthology

明清古詩總集數據庫 A Database of Late Imperial Anthologies of Pre-Tang Poems

An online database/website of anthologies selecting pre-Tang poems produced in late imperial China (1368-1911). As of February 2023, this database contains 23 anthologies and more than 7000 records of poem titles selected in these books.

Remaking Early Poetic Tradition

A study on the publication and reception of ancient-style poetry anthology in late imperial China, 1500s-1800s.

Reinventing the Pre-Tang Tradition: Compiling and Publishing Pre-Tang Poetry Anthologies in Sixteenth-Century China

This article examines how the making of pre-Tang poetry anthologies in sixteenth-century Ming China led to a reinvention of the pre-Tang poetic tradition. From the Zhengde period 正德 (1506–21) well into the Wanli reign 萬曆 (1573–1620), the compilation …

明代「古詩」總集的編纂、出版、接受 : 從宏觀角度的考察

近年來,明清時期“古詩”總集的編撰與出版逐漸得到學界注意。多數研究以出版業的興起爲時代背景,檢析一部或幾部重要選本的内容及其所體現的文學觀點。這些考證及研究則爲本文的分析提供了可能與基礎。本文嘗試另闢蹊徑,以副文本(paratext) 的閲讀爲中心,兼及文本,從宏觀層面勾勒有明一代“古詩”總集的編撰與出版,以及這類書籍可能的流通與接受之宏觀趨勢。第一部分以筆者檢索書目所累計的條目爲基礎 ,對先唐詩文集在明代的編纂出版進行量化分析,從而進一步確認明代是先唐詩文集產生的高峰;随後三個部分各以不同的副 …